Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What's all the hoopla about alkaline water?

Our bodies are made up of mostly water.  We usually pay attention to the cleanliness of our water. We don't usually pay attention to the structure of our water which is what makes it alkaline or acidic.  When water is acidic it contributes to the body's acidic state.  Alkaline water has been used by people with cancer, who have very acidic conditions in their bodies, as part of an effort to return to an alkaline state. But for the average person it can aid the body in maintaining an alkaline state as well.

If you have never tasted alkaline water, it is a treat!!  It is referred to as "wetter water" by some.  I find it soothing to my throat and mouth. It has a somewhat silky texture. Alkaline water has been kind of trendy lately and restaurants are now offering it on their menus.  Hooray!!! There is one restaurant owner in my area who serves Alkaline water and he touts it saying, "Since I started drinking it daily I rarely get sick...I use it in some of my recipes and it enhances the flavor of the food".

According to people who are in the know there is no tap water in the US that is alkaline but you can test yours and see. We have damaged the environment enough that it is simply not found easily.  You can buy a costly alkaline water treatment system for your house or simply purchase drops from the health food store that you add to your water.  Bottled water is not generally alkaline although Figi water may be slightly alkaline. Go out there and find yourself some alkaline water and judge for yourself what all the hoopla is about!!!

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