Monday, December 13, 2010

My journey

I felt it was important to share what I have learned about the PH balance of the human body. My own journey was long and arduous and if I can make that journey any shorter for others that is my goal here.

I learned that if your body is alkaline, on the PH scale, disease can not develop. When the body becomes acidic and stays that way for long periods of time that's when you develop disease.  The body's PH balance changes all day long. What you eat plays a big role in your PH level.  Alkaline foods help the body stay Alkaline.  Acidic foods push your PH levels on the acidic side.  The standard American Diet consists of 100% acidic food.

I found out that what I was eating & drinking caused me to be sicker and sicker.  I went to several doctors but none of them ever told me about balancing my PH or trying to eat an alkaline diet. I asked myself why and soon discovered -as others who came before me did -that the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies are tightly connected. They make money when people are sick. They also only treat symptoms. When I asked my doctors what was causing my health issues they had no answer for me. They also said they couldn't help me because they had no medicine for my symptoms. Sound familiar to anyone?

An alkaline diet consists of mostly veggies, some grains, and some nuts.  Yes, that means no Pizza, Ice Cream, or fast food.  It is a significantly different way of eating. I had a hard time figuring out how to make the dietary changes. Now I do a lot of chopping, cutting, and blending.  Ask my husband and he'll tell you how noisy the kitchen has become. I'm  choosing to look at this as a chance to go on a new life adventure one that pushes my skills and teaches me new things!!

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