Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sugar as an addiction; salt is what our body needs when we crave sugar.

Did you know that traditional table salt is so processed that the human body can't even absorb it.  This is why doctors recommend we watch our salt intake.  Processed salt builds up in your arteries and joints- Hello high blood pressure! Our bodies are made up of water, salt, and fat.  We need good healthy salts to maintain an alkaline PH balance and have overall health. 

When the body lacks the appropriate salts it has to pull from bone and muscle reserves.  Thus creating deficiencies all throughout the body.  When you crave sugar what your body actually needs is salt.  I found this out after years of battling a sugar addiction. Sugar in every form including fructose which is the natural sugar found in fruit, lactose which is the natural sugar in dairy products, and all artificial sugars can be addicting.  Have you ever found yourself feeling out of control when it comes to eating.  This is an addiction to sugar.  It is a very dis-empowering feeling.

Sugar is in almost every processed food you put on your table. You may not even realize how much sugar you are eating. It's in chips, condiments, breads, added to processed meats, packaged pasta dinners, and any other item you might purchase at the grocery store.  My question is "why" is sugar added to everything. Because manufacturers have realized that we are all a bunch of addicts and if they put the stuff in the food they sell they will sell more/make more money.  If we keep buying processed food with sugar added we keep telling manufacturers that we are hungry for sugar and the cycle continues.  We also keep ourselves at risk for diseases because our salt levels are depleted.

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